Why is this still happening?

You would think that this kind of message would be a thing of the past, but apparently not. Or at least not when buying tickets to major exhibitions in Melbourne.

4 comments on “Why is this still happening?”

  1. Leigh says:

    Can’t see the pic – link seems broken. Aah, the irony, tester boi!

  2. Jared says:

    No preview on my blogging software…Perhaps it could be time to upgrade 🙂

  3. Ben Kelly says:

    Here are a few wildly speculative reasons:

    1. people are inherently lazy.
    2. if it ain’t broke…
    3. the site is run by non-techies who don’t see this as a usability issue
    4. they may see it as a usability issue, but since no one has complained, see #1 & #2.
    28/08 05:06:19

  4. Jared says:

    5. The issue was known but there was pressure to release the product on time
    6. Limited customer involvement
    7. Inexperienced developer(s) (There was some evidence of this in other aspects of the site)
    8. Limited testing of the completed product
    9. This was an out of context problem for the people paying for the work.
    10. Complaints haven’t been received because there is no direct feedback channel to the product owner
    11. It’s an off the shelf product, fixing issues was never in scope

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